3D Archery Shoot

3D Archery Shoot Event!

The 3D Archery Shoot Event will be held at the CDFGC range.
There will be 40 – 3D Animal targets per day.

Registration: 7:00 am

(avoid lineups – preregister- follow the information below at bottom of page)

Start Time: 8:00 am

Off Course: 3:00 pm

Concession available for breaky and lunch.

Potluck dinner on Saturday night by a campfire.

Free Dry Camping for a family weekend.

Pre-register until April 30th to save time

To ensure that you have your space reserved for the event, we encourage you to pre-register and pre-pay with us.

  • Please note that pre-registration stops Wednesday, 30-April at 23:59.
  • For any registrations after this date, please print and fill out the form and bring it with you with your payment to the event.
  • E-transfers after this date cannot be received for this event.

PREFERRED METHOD: Please fill out the online registration form (LINK BELOW) , save your filled copy and email your saved file to vicbischoff@gmail.com. Print a copy for your records and bring with you to the meet.

DON’T FORGET PAYMENT: Send your e-transfer payment to chasedistrictfishandgame@gmail.com. Memo your e-transfer as 3D REGISTRATION so that accounting can keep it separate from other monies deposited and we can track the registration.

E-transfer Security Question if Required: Club Acronym?

Security Answer: CDFGC 

MAIL ENTRY:  Printed and filled entries can be mailed to:

Vickey Bischoff
4831 Meadow Creek Road
Celista BC
V0E 1M6

Attach a cheque to your mailed registration or you can  e-transfer to chasedistrictfishandgame@gmail.com.