Core & Pal

Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education (CORE)

The Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education (CORE) Program is British Columbia’s Hunter Education Program. It is also a great program for anyone interested in outdoor recreation.

The program ensures you have the basic knowledge and skill requirements for safe and ethical participation in hunting. If you are 18 years of age or older and you are a BC resident, you are required to complete the CORE program if you wish to obtain a hunting licence.

The CORE Program consists of a practical firearms handling test, and a written examination on all of the following subjects:


Non Restricted Possession And Acquisition (PAL) Course
****Check out our EVENTS SECTION on the Home Page to find the dates for the next PAL courses in Chase. 

The Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) is the primary firearms license under Canadian firearms laws. The PAL is the only license issued to new adult firearms license applicants in Canada; it is both required and the only permissible document for a person to acquire or permanently import a firearm.

Canadian Firearms Safety Course is for those who want to get a Possession Acquisition License to acquire and possess Non-Restricted firearms.  

Topics covered include:

C.O.R.E ./ P.A.L.

Leslie and Walt Koshynsky

Pal courses and shooter training

Terry Hudson

CORE classes and one on one

Upcoming Courses

There are no courses planned for the next month. Please check back or contact our instructors for updated dates.